
Casa Elena
Adios Amigo
View from El Mirador
Trying Out Our Ponchos
Good Times
Looking Good
Gracias Gabriella for your Kindness.


M+M ate at La Boheme the other day and decided to take us today. It was owned by a French guy that they could speak with and knew what was good. Actually everything was good. It was a great brunch. Not sure what we really talked about but it was good company.

Brunch Time
Smiles All Around


So we would meet up with M+M later. They were actually headed to their hotel to pack for their flight tonight to Lima I believe or back to Paris, I’m not sure exactly. Dylan, Joe and I went and grabbed dinner but Dylan wasn’t feeling too good so we were going to have a pretty chill night. Not that we partied hard the other nights but a nice slower sit down of food would be good. What we ordered came with a ton of food unexpectedly. I decided to give my sides to the waitress. Not sure how it came about but either she initiated jokingly or may be I mentioned it. Anyway, she was super excited to receive it. She thought I was joking by offering her the sides that came with my meal. I just wasn’t that hungry but I’m glad I wasn’t because her appreciation of receiving it was far better than the meal.

We would meet up for a quick drink with M+M before their flight tonight. Hanging out for about an hour or so before they headed out. Dylan still feeling under the weather went back to the hotel at this point. Joe and I would meet up with our friends from work N+D at Paddy’s. It’s funny though, when we planned this trip none of us knew the other was going to Peru from work. Besides Joe and I, N+D would go and J+B would go too. Only until plans had already been made, did it go around the office that we all were headed to Peru around the same time.

Beautiful Night in Cusco

Peru –  Day 6

(June 14)

Day 6 of our Itinerary:

We head out pretty early leaving most of our luggage at El Mirador for our trip to Manu Amazon Tour. We received duffle bags yesterday to fill with only stuff we needed for the next 3 days. We can also have another bag of our own but primarily we would be living out of that duffle bag. We took only what was necessary. Lots of mosquito type repellents (going natural with lavender and citronella. I brought a pretty strong DEET spray too but that would be my last resort).

We met others in downtown Cusco where there was a bus to pick us up. We head first to the town of Huancarani that had the funeral towers of Ninamarca and the cemetery of the Lupacas. We would stop and have lunch in Paucartambo. A good portion of the trip was traveling on the bus (I think roughly 8-9 hours). We did stop here and there but for the most part it was straight on. One of our stops was to see the Peruvian national bird, the Cock-of-the-Rocks. We would see one to two in the wild and then we saw more than two in a secluded sanctuary type area.

We would stay at the Rainforest Lodge. We would eat and then explore the immediate surrounding area near our cabins before we headed to bed.

On to the Amazon

Cold Morning
Bought my Peru Bracelet from Her
The View from Below
Quick Stop For Lunch
Lunch Building

Bus Ride

So our bus would get stuck in the mud at one point. It would happen again on the return back. It was neat, and nothing to worry about. It was just nice to have everyone on the bus get out and help push or add rocks underneath the wheels for traction. The guides weren’t worried either. I felt with such tight long winding roads where some roads weren’t paved, we got out pretty easy with only two stops of being stuck in the mud.

One of Our Guides Spotted a Snake From the Bus
Close Up
Our Guide, the Snake Handler
Walking Into This Tunnel
Walking On
Shoe Flowers
I Thought This Was Our Lodging, It Was Not. Hours More On The Bus.
Time To Get a Bloody Nose
Going to a Cock-of-the-Rock Hot Spot
Night Exploring
He's So Happy.